Thursday 29 May 2008

grace over karma any day

The actress Sharon Stone has caused a bit of a stir at the Cannes film festival with some comments about the earthquake in China being because of the way that China has treated Tibet.

"I'm not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else," she said. "I've been concerned about how should we deal with the Olympics, because they are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine."

"And then this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?"

I think I prefer Bono's take on things. Reflecting on his faith in the book Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas he says this:

''Grace defies reason and logic. Love interrupts, if you like, the consequences of your actions, which in my case is very good news indeed, because I've done a lot of stupid stuff''.

Assayas: ''I'd be interested to hear that''.

Bono: ''That's between me and God. But I'd be in big trouble if Karma was going to finally be my judge. I'd be in deep s---. It doesn't excuse my mistakes, but I'm holding out for Grace. I'm holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the Cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don't have to depend on my own religiosity''.


  1. Hence his song lyric (which I imagine you're familiar with?): 'Grace... she travels outside of karma'

  2. Exactly, but I was saving that for a possible series of blogs on Grace!
