For this year's Fairtrade Fortnight we're asking the nation to join us in The B
ig Swap. For two whole weeks we'll be asking you to swap your usual stuff for Fairtrade stuff. Your usual bananas for Fairtrade bananas, your usual cotton socks for Fairtrade cotton socks, and your usual cuppa for a Fairtrade cuppa. Whenever you pop to the shops, you can use your wallet to make a stand.
The Fairtrade site has a section for people to register their swaps and they are looking to register one million and one swaps during the fortnight; they have already reached the 100,000 mark on the first day. You can follow Fairtrade on Twitter at @FairtradeUK.
Looks like a really simple and effective idea and another good way to mark Lent by taking time out to reflect on how what we consume affects others. Of course if you’ve given up chocolate for Lent then you can’t really switch to Fairtrade; I haven’t so I can.
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